
MODS has a representative in the Steering Committee of Opening Doors 4Children

Pan-European Campaign Opening Doors for Europe’s Children coordinated by the Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia – MODS in partnership with our member Initiative for the Rights of People with Disabilities MDRI-S, got its MODS representative in the Steering Committee.

This year, this is MDRI-S project assistant Maja Popovic, with a mandate of one year. As the campaign includes organizations and networks of children’s organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine, the main role is to represent all 16 organizations at meetings of the Steering Committee.

*** Campaign “Opening Doors for Europe’s Children”

The honor paid to MDRI-S and MODS is that Maja Popovic will be a “trusted person” for the National Coordinators who will be able to convey all the problems, wishes for changes and initiatives to her, and she will further inform other members of the Steering Committee and continue to consider potential changes and improvements in the work and campaign itself.

The aim of the Pan-European advocacy campaign Opening Doors for Europe’s Children, coordinated by Eurochild and Hope and Homes for Children, is to improve the quality of life of children and young people at risk or in the process of leaving alternative care across Europe through the promotion of de-institutionalization. We believe that a comprehensive transformation of services for children is necessary to guarantee a better life for them.

#OpeningDoors4Children campaign has five primary goals

…which were conducted during December 2017: monitoring, evaluation, re-linking, focusing and regrouping, which will help to continue this campaign in 2018 with its main objectives – strengthening family and de-institutionalization.