
  • November 7, 2014 – The Third MODS Assembly in Belgrade was held where the decision was taken to register the MODS. The MODS Statute was adopted at the Assembly, the Founding Act was adopted and members of the MODS Steering Committee and Supervisory Board were elected. At the first session of the MODS’ Steering Committee, Saša Stefanović was appointed as Director of MODS.
  • May 20-22, 2011 – The Second National Conference “Networking for Children” was held in Sokobanja where the Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia was formed – MODS, as an informal network. In addition, the text of the Agreement on Cooperation within the Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia, which was signed by the authorized representatives of the organizations on the final day of the conference, was also considered and made compliant. The principles of work and organization of the Network were adopted, decisions were made on forms of cooperation with European associations and similar networks and certain mechanisms for influencing public policies were adopted. Also, at the conference, two separate thematic groups were formed that defined the directions of action and priorities and members of the MODS Coordination Committee were elected.
  • October 29-31, 2010 – The “Platform of the Network of Civil Society Organizations for Children of Serbia – MODS” was adopted at the First National Conference “Networking for Children” in Sokobanja by the representatives of 43 associations from all over Serbia.
  • October 2010 – The Secretariat for technical support for civil society organizations for children in Serbia was established with the aim of providing technical support to NGOs for children which would adopt a common platform and help create a national NGO network for children. The activities of the Secretariat took place with the support and at the premises of the Open Club in Niš. A database on children’s associations in Serbia was set up on the website zadecu.org.
  • September 2010 – A survey was carried out on various models of association networking in Serbia and Europe and their impact on public policies. Particularly, the research focused on organizations and networks that aimed to improve the position of children.
  • August 2010 – The first meeting of the Initiative Committee for the establishment of the Network of Civil Society Organizations working with children in Niš was held. The Initiative Committee consisted of representatives from 11 associations from all over Serbia who laid the foundations for a joint action and the formation of a representative Network of Civil Society Organizations dealing with the improvement of the position of children.