
Ana Stanić, pop singer, producer and composer

“I became an ambassador of MODS as I am aware that the difficult situation in which we live reflects badly primarily on children which is what I am particularly sensitive to as a mother of a little boy. In addition, I feel fulfilled and happy when I can contribute in any way to such a humane and great cause, such is the well-being of our children.”

Aleksandra Radović, a pop singer and an author

“I am glad to have an opportunity to help children in Serbia in this way. Children must be protected, nurtured and cared for. Children are our future and both the state and all of us should make sure that we pay more attention to how and where our children grow, how much attention is paid to their mental health, and how much we try to protect them. “

Vasil Hadžimanov, a jazz pianist and a composer

“Being a father of a sixteen-year old girl, I often think about what I can do to make her growing up happier and more carefree, which is why I often wonder what about other children in Serbia, especially the ones who do not have the conditions necessary for each and every child, like love, attention and material resources. Therefore, I gladly accepted the invitation to be an ambassador of the Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia and utilize my popularity to make visible those who fight for children’s rights and do everything to make their lives better.”

Nataša Kovačević, a basketball player, Red Star

“I am honoured by the fact that people from the Network of Organization for Children of Serbia invited me to be their ambassador. The values advocated by the Network are truly noble and I will try to extend whatever support is necessary to this organization dedicated to the protection of children’s rights in order to successfully achieve their goals. I had a great childhood and I realize how important it is for a proper development of each person. Therefore, I feel I have a great need and a desire to fight in every way for children to grow up safely in Serbia and to be protected from abuse, neglect, exploitation and any form of violence, but also to exercise their right to quality education, health care. I am sure if we can provide a better childhood for our children, it will be an investment in our better future.”

Filip Filipović, a water polo player, Serbian national team

“We are glad that there are organizations such as MODS dealing with the rights of children in Serbia and who care about their well-being and make sure that our children have as happier and carefree childhood as possible. I believe that it is an obligation, not only theirs, but of us all too, and so we gladly accepted when we were invited to shoot a video “Winning team” because we wholeheartedly stand up for the children of Serbia.”

Duško Pijetlović, a water polo player, Serbian national team

“We are aware that we, as athletes, are role models for young people in Serbia. That is why we want to show them by our engagement that they should never forget about children and their needs, to help them as much as they can and when they can and to encourage others to join and participate.”

Andrija Prlainović, a water polo player, Serbian national team

“We were very glad when MODS invited us to make the video “Winning team” because we believe that even in everyday life we should act as a team, work with children, hear what they think, respect them and strive to provide them with a happy childhood as the place to grow up.”

Živko Gocić, a water polo player, Serbian national team

“We all know the saying that “children will inherit the world” and that is what was the driving force for us when we participated in the making of the video “Winning team.” Children are little people today, but tomorrow, they will be in our shoes, compete in sports, acquire new knowledge, they will lead this country, and if we want a happy future for both ourselves and themselves, we must provide them with a happy present.”

Milan Aleksić, a water polo player, Serbian national team

“It was a great honour to participate in the video “Wining team” because we wanted to show children that the best among the athletes of Serbia are with them, and to somehow show them that their efforts and hard work can place them among the best too. We hope that this will inspire them to look forward and fight, as we fight to win every day.”

Uroš Petrović, a writer

“I have been fighting since forever, in my own way, fora sleepy society to recognize and support the valuable destiny of childhood. If the child’s playful spirit is in any way hampered, children’s mood, creativity and interest in new knowledge decline, which certainly causes devastating and long-term consequences. The minds of children are not mere storages for fruit that others choose, but they are gardens that joyfully wait to blossom in their own way. It will only do so if they grow and are educated in an environment where they are respected. Childhood is the most important part of everyone’s life, and it is sad that this is mainly understood by elderly sages only when they look back. We would all be a little better off if we carefully listened to the voice of the youngest category which is placed on the margins of events in the blur of accelerated reality.”

Stevan Piale, an actor

“It is a special honour to be a member of this team and an Ambassador of MODS, because in this way, in addition to the theater, I got a chance to show my great love for children. I want to show that I can, I want and I know how to fight for their happiness and a better future. I am aware of how many children around the world and in Serbia also suffer from poverty, hunger, abuse and diseases and I want to help them, not only through my work in the theater, but also by promoting their rights. From my own acting experience, I know what pleasure is when your efforts are rewarded with smiles of children and that is why I decided to support the mission of MODS.”