The research paper “Mapping Child Participation in Decision-Making in BiH” was presented at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Prof. Dr. Zdravko Grebo in Sarajevo on Thursday, May 30, 2024.
The research was developed in partnership with the Global Campus for Human Rights, the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Sarajevo and researchers Berina Ceribašić and Maja Šenk, with the financial support of the Right Livelihood Foundation.
After the promotion of the research work, there was a panel discussion on the representation, problems and best practices in the participation of children in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Representatives of the children’s organization “Naša djeca Sarajevo” and the Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia (MODS) participated in the panel.MODS representatives Zorica Sokolov and Mirjana Džuverović presented examples of good practices of MODS member organizations, including the Užice Center for Children’s Rights, Friends of the Children of Serbia and UG Roditelj. The discussion highlighted the importance of empowering children to have a voice in decisions that affect their lives, and the challenges and obstacles to children’s participation were also presented.
Participants in this important discussion were members of the children’s parliament of the municipality of Novi Grad Sarajevo, representatives of the municipality of Novi Grad who work on children’s participation, and representatives of Save the Children and UNICEF.
The report “Mapping Child Participation in Decision-Making in BiH” is available at the following link.