
The Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia (MODS) is a union of voluntary, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, established for an indefinite period of time in order to achieve goals in the field of meeting the needs, rights, protection of children and youth under 18.

MODS has its own general legal act – the Statute, through which the basic objectives of the MODS are described:

  • Improving the cooperation of civil society organizations in the field of respecting and exercising the rights of all children and young people up to the age of 18.
  • Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations aimed at improving the position of children and young people under 18.
  • Increasing the participation of civil society organizations and children in policy formulation for children and young people under 18.
  • Improving the realization of the rights of the child and promoting the rights of the child in Serbia.

To read the whole Statute of the MODS, click HERE.