The Guide through the Chapter 19 (Social Policy and Employment) was created with an aim that individuals and organizations concerned with the rights of the child become familiar with the acquis and Union policies covered by this Chapter, which is important for the realization of children’s rights. The guide is primarily intended for the associations which are members of the Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia (MODS) and was prepared with the intention to help them to become involved in monitoring of the negotiations on this chapter in an informed way in order to protect the rights and interests of their beneficiaries and target groups in the process of European integration.
Serbia received a negative assessment, so the guide is waiting for the preparation of the Action Plan
The reason for making this guide is the Screening Report in which the European Commission has made the assessment that Serbia is not ready to open negotiations on a given chapter and should first adopt the action plan for the harmonization of its national legislation with the EU acquis.
The Chapter 19 has a great importance for the protection of the rights and welfare of the child, as the acquis contained in it regulates issues such as the fight against poverty, protection of the rights of young people and parents in the field of labour issues, the promotion of social inclusion, improving the status ofpeople with disabilities etc.
The guide is intended to all other representatives of civil society, government institutions, experts and other interested individuals who want to learn more about how the process of negotiations reflects on the situation of children. The guide can be downloaded HERE.