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After the COVID-19 pandemic was globally declared, and the state of emergency was introduced in Serbia, the Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia conducted a survey to find out how children were affected by the emergency measures.

The survey included 1571 5 to 18 years old children from all over Serbia through an online questionnaire. The data were collected anonymously and on a voluntary basis.

In an online survey children answered how they had dealt with the crisis so far and how emergency measures affected them; what they cared most about and what they missed.

The Analysis of the study of the impact of emergency measures on children during the COVID-19 outbreak in Serbia “Being a child during the COVID-19 pandemic” is available here in Serbian and here, as a summary, conclusion and recommendations in English.

The data were collected during the fourth week of the state of emergency in Serbia (30 March to 3 April 2020). The largest number of responses, over 70%, came within the first two days of distributing the questionnaire, which may be an indication of how important it is to children for their voice to be heard.